All the Best Linux Cheat Sheets
Last Updated: Tue, Apr 7, 20091. Linux Command Line
- Linux Reference Card - Great reference published on FOSSwire website
- One page Linux Manual - Great one page reference to the most popular Linux commands
- Unix Tool Box - An incredibly exhaustive reference for all things Linux.
- Treebeard’s Unix Cheat Sheet - A great reference with Dos comparisons
- Terminal Shortcuts - Cheat sheet for the most common terminal shortcuts
- More Terminal Shortcuts - More shortcuts for history and X
2. Linux Security
- Linux Security Quick Reference Guide - An awesome security checklist reference
- IP Tables - If you are interested in Linux firewalls this is a must have
- TCPDump - Great cheat sheet to an awesome security tool
- Wireshark Filters - An awesome list of filters for the best packet sniffing utility
- IP Access Lists - Cheat sheet for IP Access Lists
- Common Ports - In case you don’t have all common ports memorized
- netcat - Reference to the swiss army knife of networking
3. Linux Administration
- Linux Admin Quick Reference - PDF cheat sheet of common Linux administration tasks
- Learning Cron by Example
4. Gnome/KDE
- Useful Gnome/KDE shortcuts
- KDE Cheat Sheet - KDE specific cheat sheet
5. sed/awk/vim and other tools
- Vi Cheat Sheet - Who doesn’t love Vi/Vim.
- Concise Vim Cheat Sheet
- awk nawk and gawk cheat sheet - Awesome awk sheet, also check out awk is a beautiful tool
- Sed Stream Editor Cheat Sheet - Savvy Sed
- Screen Quick Reference - Quick reference to a must have screen emulator, Also check out Introduction to GNU Screen
- Screen Terminal Emulator Cheat Sheet - PDF cheat sheet for screen
- Vi/Vim Cheat Sheet - Nice vim/vi keyboard layout reference
6. Distro Specific
- Ubuntu Cheat Sheet - Ubuntu specific cheat sheet
- Debian Cheat Sheet - Debian specific cheat sheet
7. Everything Else
- Online Man Pages - The ultimate cheat sheet repository. Also use the ‘man’ command.